FARM TO TABLE LUNCH Adults $15......Kids $7 ****If you are attending any classes
on the day of the lunches and wish to also attend the lunch, you recieve a reduced
price! Adults $10 and Kids $5* Lunch
served here on the farm from fruits and veggies we grow and meats we raise (or get from other local farmers).
Its your chance to get out of the office, or just away for a little while and be at peace with nature. Listen to the
ducks quack and the chickens cluck. Watch farm life while enjoying a wonderful lunch made from all things fresh...all
things natural ...and all things grown right here.
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Farm to Table Lunch Adults $15........Kids $7 *****If you are attending a class
on the days of our lunches, you recieve a reduced price! Adults $10 Lunch served here on
the farm from fruits and veggies we grow and meats we raise (or get from other local farmers). Its your chance
to get out of the office, or just away for a little while and be at peace with nature. Listen to the ducks quack and
the chickens cluck. Watch farm life while enjoying a wonderful lunch made from all things fresh...all things natural
...and all things grown right here.
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Farm to Fork Dinner 60/person or $100/couple This Dinner is like the Farm To
Table Dinner, however only winee will be served with the meal and the meal will be a little shorter in leangth but we will
still have a 6 course meal. Assorted fresh baked breads with homemade assorted butters and dipping oils and sauces.
Followed by a salad made fresh from our hydroponics and topped with my homemade poppyseed dressing. After the salad
will be a freshly prepared soup followed by an appitizer. Dinner follows with dessert ending the meal and the evening.
Upon arrival will be a breif farm and greenhouse tour with refreshments served before the tour begins. This dinner is
less expensive than the Farm To Table, but you are still dining on the farm and will all freshly prepared foods from the farm.
The experience is just as wonderful. Please plan to attend or reserve seats at the table for a gift for someone. Menu... Upon
arrival you will be greeted and served a Farm Punch. Finger foods will also be served while you tour our farm.
After your guided tour you will be seated at the table and dinner will began with assorted breads and homemade butters
and infused oils for dipping. This is be followed with homemade chicken noodle soup. This isn't like any you have
ever had before. We make ours with all homegrown items including the chicken. Next you will be served a salad
made with 3 different hydroponically grown lettuces and other greens (let's see who can identify them all), organic sweet
carrots, our hydroponic tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower, and topped with Florida fresh avocados and our strawberries served
with our very own poppyseed dressing and crumbled goat cheese. the next course will be an appetizer of toasted tilapia
and homemade cheese grits. The main course will be served next of braised and glazed rib eye cutlets with roasted
seasoned red potatoes and Brussels sprouts (prepared so you will actually eat them!). This course we serve with wine. You
will end the evening with our famous strawberry dessert and coffee.
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Farm to Table Lunch Adults $15......Kids (17 and under) $7 You must register for the lunch in advance to ensure enough food is prepared for everyone
to enjoy.
Lunch served here on the farm from fruits and veggies we grow and meats we raise (or get from other
local farmers). Its your chance to get out of the office, or just away for a little while and be at peace with nature.
Listen to the ducks quack and the chickens cluck. Watch farm life while enjoying a wonderful lunch made from all things
fresh...all things natural ...and all things grown right here.
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Pot luck lunch held on the farm....bring a dish or 2 and bring the family FREE FREE FREE FREE Meet
the farmer who grows your food and enjoy a pot luck meal with us and all our friends here on the farm. We ask everyone
to bring a pot luck dish. Meal starts at 10:30. Farm opens at 9 Open House...... Come out and meet the farmers and their staff ad see what farm life here is all about. Tour our farm and greenhouses
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Girl's Night $25/person .....bring
your best friend, bring your sister, bring your mother or bring the whole crew!!!! This night is just for girls and
ONLY for those over 21 please!!! Drinks will be served. We will be making all sorts of unique drinks throughout
the evening and cooking right in front of you so you can try everything we make!! This will be a fun evening out
with the girls and meet some new friends here while your at it. This night is about relaxing and enjoying yourself.
We will also have staff to take you home if your not up to driving!! Lots to eat...so come hungry! Were gona have
a blast
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Farm to Table Lunch Adults $15......Kids (17 and under) $7 You must register for the lunch in advance to ensure enough food is prepared for everyone
to enjoy. Lunch
served here on the farm from fruits and veggies we grow and meats we raise (or get from other
local farmers). Its your chance to get out of the office, or just away for a little while and
be at peace with nature. Listen to the ducks quack and the chickens cluck. Watch farm life
while enjoying a wonderful lunch made from all things fresh...all things natural ...and all things grown
right here
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Farm to Table Dinner $115/person or $200 couple This is one
of the best dinner experiences you will ever have. You dine here at the farm and depending on the weather, time of year,
and other things going on here at the farm, your dinning experience can be held inside the greenhouses, outside right on the
farm or inside our building. Upon arrival you will be greeted with cocktiails and hor'devourses followed by a guided
tour of the farm. After the tour you will be shown to your seats for a candle lite dinner of a 6 course meal which is
all prepared from farm grown foods and by the farm ladies and sometimes by local chefs. First course is fresh made
and baked breads served with assorted homemade fruit butters and infused oils for dipping. Second course is our
own homemade potatoe soup with a piece of battered and deep fried bacon. Next comes our famous farm salad of all fresh
hydroponically grown greens and tomatoes with our broccoli and cauliflower, sweet organic carrots topped with our Florida
fresh avocados and our strawberries with our own poppyseed dressing and crumbled goat cheese. The next course is an
appetizer of stuffed acorn squash served with a stuffed tulip tomatoe. Main course will then be served consisting of
bacon wrapped tenderloin stuffed with sweet apricots with a bourbon apple glaze served with wild rice and white asparagus
seasoned to perfection. Dessert will end the evening....and our dessert will be a trio of chocolate zucchini cake,
our famous strawberry dessert and our very own homemade cheesecake topped with fresh berries. Wine is paired with each
course, including dessert, but coffee is served after dessert.
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Adult Day Camp Cost $60/person or $100/couple. This includes lunch and
snack. This day camp is a condensed version of
all of the classes we have been holding. We are teaching you, so you can teach your kids. We will go through a lot of the
things we do on the farm and self sustainability. From gardening to chickens to bees to canning to making your own bath and
body items and making your own food products. Jimmy will be teaching the following.....9-10 hydroponic/Aquaponic gardening. 10-11 Backyard/Herb/Container Gardening,
11:15-12 Companion Planting, 12-12:30 Q & A Dlee
will be teaching....9-10 BackYard Chickens, 10-11 Canning & Freezing, 11:15-12 Self Sustainability, 12-12:30 Q & A.
Break 11-11:15. Refreshments Q & A 12-12:30 Lunch. 12:30- 1ish choose the classes you want or bring someone with you to take advantage of all information being taught
Seasons in the Sun Farm
Bacon Fest / Salad Fest + Dessert Fest
$30/person .....If
you LOVE BACON....this is the Event for you!!! Bacon made any way you can
imagine...and many ways you never even thought of. I wont spoil the surprise by telling you what all will be made or
how it will all be prepared....I will just say it will be an interesting day...and one you wont soon forget!!! We are also adding salad to this days events...we wouldnt want anyone getting sick from an overload of bacon.
All sorts of salads prepared all sorts of ways...and again..some ways you have never even thought of. Have you ever
heard of "salad on a stick". Well your gona love it!! This Event is to feed
the bacon lover in all of us. And once your full, we bring on desserts......more food and lots of fun!!!! Reserve your space in the event now as space is limited for this event. You can even buy tickets as a gift.
Just make sure to get your form in...
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Farm to Table Lunch Adults $15.......Kids
(17 and under) $7 ****If you are attending the Kid's Gardening class on this date, you recieve a reduced price!
Adults $10 and Kids $5* You must
register for the lunch in advance to ensure enough food is prepared for everyone to enjoy.
Lunch served
here on the farm from fruits and veggies we grow and meats we raise (or get from other local farmers). Its your
chance to get out of the office, or just away for a little while and be at peace with nature. Listen to the ducks quack
and the chickens cluck. Watch farm life while enjoying a wonderful lunch made from all things fresh...all things natural
...and all things grown right here.
Seasons in the Sun Farm

10 essential & necessary life skills class This class covers the whys and how's of
the 10 top and most important life skills we can have and need to teach our children. This Class is just as important
as our Self Sustainability class.
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Kids Farm to Table Dinner.....this is a dinner like no other for kids. We
also include the parents as they are requested to stay as well and for $20 more can have dinner as well. Parents will
be seated and served in a different area from the Kids Dinner but will join their child for dessert. We also have times
for peaks so you can see your child. Childrens menu.....assorted breads with homemade butters infused with fruits and dipping oils. Soup
served next and will be our fresh potatoe with bacon. Salads follow and are a scaled down version of our adult dinner
salads. Next will be an appetizer of breaded and pan fried flank steak stuffed with cream cheese and other farm cheeses served
paired with fresh ground cheese grits. The main course will be homemade chicken Alfredo with homemade cheesy French
bread. Parents will join their children for dessert and we will be serving our famous strawberry dessert. We
will be adding some non alcoholic drinks at different times durning the evening for fun for the kids. Parents are invited to stay and enjoy an evening of their own. Parents
dinner is $20 each and will consist of....assorted homemade breads, soup and salad with their main course consisting
of breaded and pan fried flank stuffed steak topped with a mushroom Marsala sauce, with toasted and roasted seasoned and buttered
red potatoes with steamed broccoli topped with garlic and parm.
Seasons in the Sun Farm

Nob Get Together. 5-8. Cost is $40 per person. This is an enjoyable evening to get out with your friends (NO kids
allowed - NO one under 21!). We will have all sorts of foods to eat all night, and we will have an open bar and be making
all sorts of drinks. Enjoy an evening out with some great fresh farm foods!
Seasons in the Sun Farm
of the Farm Annual Farm Fundraiser Dinner Event. 6pm until. This is an event. We will have 6 local chefs competing to
win prizes. This is also a farm fundraiser, so there are no discounts. Cost is $115 per person. Prizes will be
drawn for guest throughout dinner. We will also have a silent auction, which will be set up to bid on upon arrival. Simon Majumdar from Food Network will also be at this event! See our
homepage for more details!
Seasons in the Sun Farm